hey this is some HTML codes that help you to make your blog more experienced :)

1- to make the words move :
1.A- text to move from right

here you can write your text
1.B- text to move from left

here you can write your text
1.C- Text to move from up

here you can write your text

and so on. I think you know where to change to chose from where to start to move if you don't  see the (direction="here add your movement") e.g. up, down, left, or right.

second thing change the speed : okay to change of the speed of your text movement just change the (scrollamount="write a number") e.g. 1,2,3-10 okay now the 1 is the slowest and 10 is the fastest and the normal is 3 or 4.
2- to make link

2.A- To make a link to your text word :

Url name
2.B- To insert image


Note: the image should be in the internet so you can get its link and everyone can see it, but if you add image from your pc no one can see it except you why? because the image link in your pc maybe no one have it just you as example if your image in (C:\my document\my pictures\picture1.jpg) when the link search this picture in my pc it will not find it so it will give me a blank.
    where to add your link? okay now your image paste it in src="http://image url" to make it easer this is the box for it

2.C- to make a link from image


Note: <a href="http://url address"> <img src="http://image url">. the first one (a herf) this is for the link page, when someone click on your image what's the url for it. The second (img scr) is for the image place, what image do you want to show us.
3- colors
3.A- text colors

put here your text <--the hex number of this color is #4E659B 
Note: the colors converted to hex numbers that translated into colors, so when you use html you must inserted in numbers and this is a table to help you out :)

Note: copy hex number by using keyboard: 1- left click mouse in the box 2-select all= ctrl+a , 3-Copy= ctrl+c . 4- paste(= crtl+p) it in (color="paste here")
4- boards

okay to make a board its not hard. for me its easy so lets start


1 2
3 4 4.5
5 6
Note: the <tr> is for rows if you want to add more rows my table has 3 rows, <td > is for the column, so if you want to add column just insert more <td> under <tr>. now you can add the length of your column as example ( <table border="the thickness of board line "><td width="the length of column">text word</td>) use number of course in board thickness and width and if you want to chose the height just add it for example (<table border="1"<tr><td width="100") the result will show like this
text word
and so one :)

5- use all in one table


text movement from right Url name
color image without link
image with link text word

important notes you should know about html


    first thing i want you to know that the source is the all code for example: text =  (<b>) <-- this i call it a code. (<b>text</b>) <-- this i call it a source because its a completed code.
    okay second  when you use html language you should know that for every code you write there is opening and closing codes as example to open new code first you will do is (<) that means you want to insert a code let say i want to change the font size to make it bigger, for example: text this is how i write it: <font size="5">text</font> okay first i opened the code by (<) then i add what kind of code i want to insert (<font) then i chose what to do with this code as (<font size) then i write the size number of the code will use in the font as (<font size="5") after that i closed the code (<font size="5">) then i start to write the text i want with my choosing code (<font size="5">text) okay now if i want to continue using my code i will not close it but to i close it in (text) so i should close the source like this (<font size="5">text</font>) now that i done from the word and closed my source. okay lets see the meaning of this one text (<u>text</u>) the step by step meaning is:
1- open new code (<)
2- insert the code (<u)
3- close the code (<u>)
4- inter the word (<u>text)
5- close the source (<u>text</u>)
    now the third  thing you should know because here were alot of us make mistakes on it. it's when you want to use two codes. for example you want to use two codes for one word as making under line and changing the color of the same word, okay this is the wrong way <u>text</u><font color="#D93232"></font> <-- this is a wrong code because you told to html to make text underline and then you told him to use color for nothing. as i told you before when you close the code write the word you want to be used for the code then close it but here i told him to underline the word text only. so to make it in the write way this is how should i do it <font color="#D93232"><u>text</u></font> this will give you text.
    other thing don't mixed up with closing codes as this wrong source <font color="D93232"><u>text</font></u> <-- this is totally wrong . okay html its an organized language to make it work you have to make your sources organized to when you open a source you can add alot of codes inside it but when you start closing your source start with the inner to outer like this

outer source as color
example <font color="#D93232">

inner source as under line
example: <u>
word  text
example: text
closing source
example: </u>
closing source
example: </font>
so open codes inside codes but when you close the source start to close from the last code you opened tell you close the the last source that it was the first code  you opened :)   

hope it was easy to understand :)

enjoy all